Love Them All endeavours to facilitate training with the purpose of equipping the local medical community of emerging countries throughout the middle east. This goal is achieved using two approaches, first by bringing doctors from around the world into a local community to train local staff, and second by seeking out opportunities for local staff to travel abroad and receive training from outside their region. Training may be offered either directly through Love Them All volunteers or through a partnering organization with a well established training program.
We have already partnered with doctors from the United States, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Egypt who have volunteered their time to travel to the Kurdish region of Iraq and train local doctors and nurses. We have also sent out local doctors in Iraqi Kurdistan for training abroad. These missions can vary in length depending on the objective. Training programs can range from a few weeks to a few months and are scheduled at the convenience of the hospitals and doctors involved. Contact us for more information and to find out how you can help.