Noticing that his skin was beginning to turn blue and his breathing was more and more laboured, his parents rushed him to the Raparin hospital for Children. It wasn’t long after he was born that they were confronted with the news that their newborn baby Paiwand had a life threatening heart condition. His condition was called a coarctation of the aorta, a birth defect in which a part of the aorta is narrower than usual. According to his diagnosis, without immediate intervention his life would end within weeks or even days. Reaching out to Love Them All Paiwand’s doctor was hopeful that something could be done.

Dr. Aso was immediately informed and sent Paiwand’s medical reports. The decision was made to transfer and with the support of Love Them All, Paiwand was sent over 200km by ambulance to Sulaymaniyah to be under the care of Dr. Aso and his team. He arrived in critical condition, was immediately treated with heart medication provided by Love Them All, and he slowly began to stabilize. With little time to act Dr. Aso confirmed the diagnosis and that a catheterization, although risky, would be a critical first step for his treatment. Following the catheterization he would have the chance to receive open heart surgery abroad.

While there was hope, the only way forward was considered high risk and Paiwand’s parents had to make a difficult decision. They had to choose between traveling once again, or staying in Sulaymaniyah; but this time for Paiwand’s catheterization which could be done locally under the care of Dr. Aso’s team or in a neighbouring country where conditions were reportedly better. Paiwand’s family, unable to afford the trip decided to say and have the procedure done under the care of Dr. Aso and his team.

Paiwand’s catheterization with Dr. Aso was a success and his first step towards healing was complete. His little heart could finally do what it was made to do and bring oxygen rich blood throughout his body. It was a joy to see him recover so quickly after the procedure and return home with his family. Love Them All continued to stay in contact with Paiwand’s family, supporting their access to medicine and medical reports with a local paediatrician that would be required for planned open heart surgery abroad.
January 2022 UPDATE

A few weeks ago Love Them All got a call from Paywand’s family who said that Paywand was very sick and was having trouble breathing. On examination by a local doctor it was decided that Paiwand was in critical condition and that he needed immediate intensive care. With the support of Love Them All, he was rushed to the pediatric hospital in Sulaymaniyah by ambulance and placed under the care of Dr. Aso and his team. After further investigation is was discovered that Paiwand was suffering from COVID and needed support for his lungs. Paiwand’s life was once again hanging in the balance. Thanks to Dr. Aso’s amazing team, with carefully selected medication and support for his breathing he slowly began to recover. During this time Dr. Kurk A. Milhoan MD, a pediatric cardiologist from the United States was present to check his heart and confirm the original diagnosis and plan for interventional care.

Not long after, Paiwand was back at home. He is now 4 months old awaiting surgery abroad and Love Them All is grateful to be with him every step of the way.
Thank you all for your continued support. We know that none of what we do would be possible without you!